eduSCOL (A College Management ERP)
eduSCOL is a complete Campus management system that is a result of our close collaboration with premium institutions and domain experts. eduSCOL completely automates the entire college and university administration set-up so that administrators flawlessly manage all the institutional activities, ranging from student administration to campus management.
Key Features
eduSCOL is a scalable ERP solution for colleges, schools and universities. It has a modular structure, which makes it quite easy to configure according to individual requirements. This helps institutions to scale eduSCOL according to their requirements for optimum utilization of resources.
Following are key features:
- Web-based Institute management software with interactive user interface
- Report Generation in MS Word, Excel and PDF formats
- Pre-defined user roles with authentication
- Flexible modular hierarchy
- Integrates with RFID technology, Biometric sensors and Smart Cards
- Automatic back-up and restore facility
- High degree of synchronization between different modules
Functional Modules of eduSCOL
eduSCOL covers all the facets of an educational institution ranging from administrative and accounting to academic management through various modules.
eduSCOL college or school software can be split into four broad categories based on functionalities and modules:
eduSCOL College Software Management streamlines all the front desk activities and coordinates them efficiently to ensure smooth induction of students into the college/school/institution, through the below-mentioned modules:
- Admission Management
- Fees Management
- Profile Management
- Inquiries Management
eduSCOL eases the student management process by automating it so that institutional administrators can access, update and use the information on any student through following modules.
- Attendance Management
- Assignment/Homework Management
- Batches Course Management
- Timetable Management
- Examination Management
- Disciplinary Actions
- Placement
- Alumni
eduSCOL lends a helping hand in campus management and creates a comfortable environment in the Institute through the below-mentioned modules:
- Library Management
- Hostel Management
- Canteen/Cafeteria Management
- Classroom Management
- Laboratory Management
eduSCOL streamlines the administration of the institution by integrating below mentioned modules. It renders efficient management services to institutions in a cost-effective manner.
- Conveyance Management
- Alerts & Communication
- Events & Activities
- Payroll Management
- User Management
eduSCOL is a configurable web-based Institute management software, that provides stakeholders below mentioned benefits and empowers them to raise their administrative/ management standards.
- Offers a common platform where students and Institutional administrators can interact with each other
- Provides quick and secure access to required information on any student
- Large numbers of Man-hours are saved because of quick, easy and secure access to information, which otherwise would have required a lot of manual labour like file movement, etc
- Brings in accountability and transparency in the administration, which in turn improves the performance of stakeholders
- In-built reporting, alerts and communication facility ensures that all stakeholders stay informed and know their accountability
- Smooth management of academic activities of students with suitable feedback and performance appraisal mechanism